All about videos and landing pages


How do people decide in a fraction of a second whether they would like to stay on a page or leave?

The answers lie in our ability to compound experience.

We develop an eye for certain cues that help us decide our interests. A landing page consists of design elements, copy, graphics and images. Within seconds your audience shall parse through them and decide if they want to stay.

Now, imagine if there was a real person awaiting to welcome them and have a chat.

This is what videos can do for you.

Adding a video with the right and relevant message gives you the opportunity to be heard.


Videos are great for SEO too.

You are 53 times more likely to end up on Google’s first page.


Conversion rates shall get a boost.

With a video on your website, conversion rates could go as high as 80%.


So why do videos work


1. Compared to other formats, videos are most likely to generate an emotional response

2. Videos can compress large chunks of information in smaller time frames

3. Being fluid in nature, motion and movement always work to get human attention

4. This is the best format for storytelling and people like stories

5. You can use visual information to simplify complex concepts thereby generating interest


What kind of videos work best with a landing page?


Product explainer video

These types of videos give you a great opportunity to put your service or product out there. A strong explainer video will give you the chance to captivate your audience and talk to them about how you can add value.



Third-party endorsement works. Imagine a visitor who has come to the website to ascertain information and validity before investing in your product. A strong testimonial video shall help her gain trust and ease any purchase anxiety.

Case studies

Showing how you can solve your potential customer’s problems is a remarkable asset in your marketing arsenal. A well-made case study video will help you demonstrate how you can add value.


How to use videos on landing pages?


1. Always experiment try to determine the position of the video on the page. It should be in a noticeable position but not too in the face.


2. One key decision you will have to think of in advance is whether you want to make it autoplay and with volume. Some audiences might find      it irritating. However, do not assume, do you A/B testing, in many cases autoplay gives you great results.


3. Ensure that the video is being placed in an efficient manner and does not make your site too heavy to load.


4. Do not treat the video in isolation, ensure that the remaining element and especially copy complement each other. Some repetition of      information is okay and might be even better. It may help reinforce your messaging.


5. Our experience tells us that with landing pages, animation or motion graphics-based videos work better compared to live-action.     However, in certain cases, this may not be applicable such as real estate, hospitality, and the likes.


Preparing for the video


Always start with a clear understanding of the audience. Use the account planner’s perspective whose work was to represent the audience in the process.


Identify emotional cues and the features that will add the most value.


Spend good time with the script, this is one part you don’t want to rush through. Always check and double-check. Write a script that can offer you longer and shorter edits of the same video.


Lastly, ensure that you have a clear, well defined and well pronounced CTA. Call to action will ensure that all the hard work that has gone into the process pays off.


Finally, feel free to write to us at we will be happy to discuss some great strategical inputs for your landing pages.



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