How will Video Help Elevate Your HR Strategy?

The pandemic continues to influence functions across industries. Companies struggle to meet the changes demanded by the situation. For some, the struggle is to meet growth expectations, for others, this is about existence itself.
One function that has faced one of the most daunting tasks is HR.
Human Resource executives need to look for better tools that will help them mitigate the circumstances.
What are the key challenges in 2022 for HR?
Attracting the right talent pool
Remote work is fast becoming a dominant mode of employment. This means that HRs need to work across geographics. Not only do they need to bridge multiple time zones but also built sensitivity towards different cultures.
Remote working also provides options for candidates to choose from a wider range of geographies.
It becomes important for HRs to project and build a company culture that is conducive to a healthy work environment. Thereby attracting new talent.
Building a cohesive culture
With people working remotely or in the hybrid model, HR needs to find a way to build a new culture from the bottom up. One that reflects and accommodates this new reality.
Building a company culture is difficult in a remote environment. There is a lack of precedents and time-tested practices that one could fall back on. Lack of personal interaction, communication limited to the transactional demands of work adds to the problem.
Training and Upskilling
Technologies that enable enterprises today are constantly evolving. There is a need for a streamlined training and upskilling channel that will help employees navigate these developments.
Retaining Talent
Gallup has produced various reports that insist on the importance of environment, culture, and soft rewards that help retain talent. HRs must come up with newer ways of providing value that will help mitigate this challenge.
How can videos help overcome these challenges?
Onboarding videos
A set of onboarding videos help in aligning expectations between companies and employees. They are a great way of introducing the company culture and way of working.
Compared to sharing pages of text a two-minute video will be far more impactful through its power of storytelling.
Job description videos
Along with the onboarding videos, job descriptions videos will help fresh talent understand the job at hand and relieve any uncertainty-based anxieties.
Such videos help new talent get into the role and settle in earlier thereby impacting productivity in a positive manner.
Employee videos
Videos that feature activities done by employees whether it is around women’s day, or any such event build a sense of solidarity.
Videos that are made around team accomplishments and celebrate their achievements boost morale and lead the way for others to follow.
There is a vast range of topics that can be enhanced and spread in a creative and inspiring manner. Videos are the next best thing to in-person storytelling.
If you are an HR who is looking forward to building initiatives that shall be exemplary, reach out to us at