Why Videos can take your Internal Communication to the Next Level


How Videos can help with Internal Communication

Initially, internal communication focused on ensuring that management instructions were delivered effectively and swiftly to the people below. 

It was a tool used to direct and instruct employees. Since a lot has changed, the subject of internal communication is seen differently. 

Today internal communication is a tool of empowerment, inclusion and transparency. 

Why is effective internal communication critical?

1. It keeps everybody informed. Adequate flow of information reduces anxiety and miscommunication. People have clarity of how the communication structure works. 

2. A robust internal communication strategy helps build out your organization’s culture. 

3. Allows for feedback and discussion within the organisation.

4. Boost people’s engagement and improve productivity. Solid internal communication builds a safe environment for all organisation members to participate in the conversation. 

5. Reduces Information overload. An efficient internal communication process cuts through the clutter and highlights what is essential.

This is especially helpful when on an average, employees have to deal with 121 emails every single day.

6. Helps maintain employee retention. Being an aid to building a culture of trust, internal communication helps cultivate a positive trust-driven environment. 

By reducing anxiety and providing a sense of inclusion. On a lighter note but never the less important, internal communication is effective for arranging leisure and time out activities. Setting a positive tone could encourage more participation. 

Why Videos?

We remember a warm thank you note from a client of ours. This was for a project where we built a showcase year-end video featuring employee activities aimed at social contribution. The video helped the team relive those moments themselves and share them with their loved ones. No other media can capture, showcase and replay emotions like video. 

Video makes a bigger impact than a text

Videos are easy to follow and simple to relate to. People love sharing videos. Given the engagement a video generates, it is no surprise to know that viewers retain approximately 95% of a video's message.

It saves everybody’s time

Videos can replace daunting emails, finding/adjusting time for call meet ups. Video can be watched on one’s own time.

Internal videos help to connect employees from different time zones.

It enhances employees experience 

One can always make the message much richer thanks to video animation and motion graphics. 

It carries emotional context

Because this is so important, we must repeat that nothing conveys emotions like videos

Internal communication videos are great for employee training and instruction.

Here is a list of activities you can use videos to gain impact:

  • Explaining protocols
  • Making announcements
  • Explaining working protocols
  • Putting through the values of the company 
  • Announcing incentives
  • Streamlining onboarding process
  • Encouraging participation in events


If you are looking forward to powering up your internal communications with videos, give us a shout at hello@allinmotion.com 



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